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Collapse Issue 579:<br />09 Oct 2023<br />_____________Issue 579:
09 Oct 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Council withdraws reserve from reclassification process
Ettalong ferry service may not resume for weeks
After-hours medical service announces closure
Umina chosen for Urgent Care Clinic
Baiting program to target wild dogs and foxes
Church holds Blessing of the Pets
Brigade members walk to Little Wobby to fight fire
Ferry wharf trees removed
Four gardens take part in Edible Garden Trail
Varroa mite eradication efforts abandoned
Grants to local groups*
Cooking competition held at Umina CWA*
Shade tree group seeks 'watering angels'
Monthly community breakfast raises funds for hall*
Dementia cafe held last week*
The reward of removing a weed
Crafts centre to hold exhibition and sale*
Food donated to Mary Macs for pets
Pelican Park and cricket club benefit in State Budget*
Official 'farewell' as Jane steps down from presidency*
Heritage boat challenge to run along Woy Woy channel*
Gardening club meets at Umina library*
Marine rescue training*
Rotary club holds Swinging 60s night*
Rotary club holds trivia night*
Council announces second year of 'stable' finances*
Free graffiti removal kits*
Low monthly rainfall for September
Planning Panel insists on boundary landscaping
Proposal for 21 flats in Trafalgar Ave
Submission claims consultant's remarks are offensive
Removal of large street tree approved by planning panel*
Architects show options for Peninsula Plaza
Lions Park future joins other Peninsula consultations
Two petitions oppose Austin Butler reclassification
Little about Peninsula in Strategic Planning Statement*
Reserve is less than a metre above sea level*
C'mon Rik, hit up that nice Mr Minns for some trees
Trees are not the enemy, urban heat is
Keep an eye out for sick pelicans as weather warms
No action on Peninsula heat island health crisis
Change of Hart, but not out of the woods
Yes, no or I don't know*
Aunt moves in to aged care facility to be near neice
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Umina artist wins ephemeral art prize
Musicians support Yes vote*
Patchwork group member showns three recent quilts*
Early childhood educators meet up at St John's
Woy Woy South is 'excelling', says principal
Positive behaviour brings joy, says principal
Call for parents to label jumpers
School raises almost $5000 through skipping challenge
A range of improvements at Woy Woy South*
New roofs on two school blocks
Students take part in netball gala day
Ettalong holds 'shelter in place' drill*
Donations wanted for Christmas raffle*
Ettalong Eagles in zone bowls finals
Woy Woy Lions under-12s show them how it is done
Ettalong charity bowls raises $1000
Outrigger club attends first regatta for season
Bunnies to hold annual general meeting*
Cricket club receives grant for mobile scoreboard*
Cycling club holds two rides from Woy Woy
Bridge club announces Saturday 'best three' winners
Fab Fenton hosts sports trivia quiz*
Beach patrol season starts
Surf club team completes Kokoda Trail trek
Association announces 'phase two' netball players
Social bowls ahead of NRL final
Photographers wanted for park run
Roosters announce signings for 2024
Two major soccer awards to Southern and Ettalong
Council grants $2000 for soccer marquee*
Boardriders hold joint party*
Swans receive grant for canteen equipment*



Planning Panel insists on boundary landscaping

The Local Planning Panel has deferred a decision on a four-unit development at 168 West St, Umina, "to allow the applicant to submit a revised design".

The design must "provide a minimum one metre landscape strip along the eastern boundary of the site, extending from the front property boundary to the rear elevation of townhouse four".

"The Panel considers that providing suitable landscaping to side and rear boundaries is an important design consideration," it stated in its unanimous decision at its September 14 meeting.

The Council assessing officer had recommended approval, and there had been 15 submissions against the proposal.

The only speaker against the application was Mr Francis Wiffen representing the Peninsula Residents Association.

He reminded the panel of a recommendation that it made to the Central Coast Council that planning provisions for the Peninsula be reviewed.

He said that the Panel recommended "Central Coast Council consider conducting a strategic planning review of the planning controls, development provisions and character statements for Umina, Woy Woy and Ettalong".

"The Panel had requested that the review should ensure there is consistency between the relevant controls, provisions and character statements applicable to each locality, and a clear direction and expectation on the desired future character of these suburbs".

Mr Wiffen said that the recommendation was made as part of its decision to refuse two applications for multiple dwelling developments at 16 and 34 Warrah St, Ettalong.

Mr Wiffen recalled that, in an email to the residents' association, Council planning director Dr Alice Howe had stated: "Council recognises the need for improved planning controls around mitigating urban heat island effect and the importance that trees and other vegetation play in doing this."

She had also said "the council's Greener Places Strategy required a review and update to Council's planning controls to include consideration of urban heat island effect for all future subdivision and medium and high-density development."

Mr Wiffen said that this proposal would be an an overdevelopment.

He said Umina Beach's R1 zone had just as poor a tree canopy as Booker Bay and that it was caused by "gunbarrels like this one".

"They cover virtually the entire site with little in way of tree or shrub cover."

He queried the point of building lots of dwellings "that will soon become uninhabitable due to unrestricted heat sink temperature."

He quoted urban forest consultant Gwylim Griffiths: "A city that cannot sustain trees will soon be a city that cannot sustain people."

Mr Wiffen said that "developers flock to the Central Coast because they're not allowed to build gunbarrels like this in most Sydney suburbs".

"Why should the council be allowing large variations to the DCP In order to overdevelop the Peninsula?"

Mr Ravi Sharma represented the applicant.

He said that this application had been "in the pipeline" for over two years and the council had only asked for "a couple" of small technical changes to the design.

He also said that the proposal complied with the LEP and in almost every aspect with the DCP.

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