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Collapse Issue 574:<br />24 Jul 2023<br />_____________Issue 574:
24 Jul 2023
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Actor auditions for six short plays

Woy Woy Little Theatre will audition actors from 7:30pm this Wednesday, July 26, for its Flash Festival of short plays, all written, directed and acted by locals.

There are six short plays to choose from, and all are welcome to audition for the plays which will be staged in September.

The six plays are: The Commuter, written by Trudi Slavin with director Sebastian Yule; Clear as Mud by Sally Bartley with director Nicky Prescott; Panic by Rupert Rae with director Kelli Ward; On the List by Jenna Arnold with director Michael Sheather; The New Messiah of Woy Woy by Peter Rodgers with director Gordon Crawford; and Shedding Light by Andrew Thomson with director Sasha Shapievsky.

Auditions are open group auditions with a set time allocated for each director.

Actors are asked to arrive from 7pm to register and familiarise themselves with each play.

The Commuter is a comedy-mystery, and has four characters.

Prue is a woman in her 50s or 60s, expensively dressed, utterly self-absorbed and pretentious.

Charon is a train guard/guide to the underworld, a man or woman of any age, but is authoritative, gruff, businesslike and largely intolerant of people.

Sam is a man or woman in the early 20s, dressed for a party, disoriented and confused.

Barry is a man over 60, wearing pyjamas. He knows he's dead and he's more philosophical.

Clear As Mud is a comedy-farce with four characters.

Agent X is aged 20-45.

Sir is aged 40-60.

Target Y and Target Z are both of any age.

Panic is a drama with three adult characters of any age and gender.

On The List is a comedy with three characters.

Samantha is any age but must look fit and speak beautifully.

Antony from the private security firm is well dressed and can be any age.

Juno is a neighbour of any age, who is a wealthy and upper class, bossy, sticky beak.

The New Messiah of Woy Woy is a comedy-farce, with three characters: Father, Mother and Son (mid-teens).

Shedding Light is a comedy, with two couples.

Blake and Alison, and John and Emily, are all in their 30s to 40s.

Casting auditions will be held on Wednesday, July 26, from 7:30pm at Peninsula Theatre, cnr McMasters and Ocean Beach Rds, Woy Woy.

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