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Collapse Issue 573:<br />10 Jul 2023<br />_____________Issue 573:
10 Jul 2023
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Weekend of training for Marine Rescue

Marine Rescue Central Coast held a weekend for training on July 1 and 2.

New members came to the base for their induction on the Saturday morning.

Rescue Vessel Central Coast 22 needed to be launched as it was on its trailer after recently having a service.

Central Coast 22 and Rescue Water Crafts Central Coast 10 rendezvoused at Koolewong.

They did a quick patrol down Woy Woy channel and back to the base via Paddy's channel.

After lunch, they did a vessel explosion scenario with a "person" in the water.

CC10 and CC21 responded to the "incident".

The person in the water was pulled from the water via CC10 and then transferred to CC21 so the boat crew could do first aid on the patient.

CC10 then went back to the distressed vessel and found that one of the crew on board had a laceration on their arm.

The patient was transferred to the RWC and then taken over to CC21 so the crew could also attend to their injury.

On Sunday morning CC21, CC22 and CC10 went out into Broken Bay for some more training.

The swell was around 1.5 to 2 metres so it was perfect for practicing throwing a heaving line and then towing a vessel back into Brisbane Water.

Both boat crews had a turn of doing this.

Then they involved CC10.

The operator took the towline from the rescue vessel and passed it to the crew of the distressed vessel.

Once it was attached the tow commenced.

After lunch some of the boat crew went through their marine drills.

Once they returned to base, a call came through on VHF-16 for a vessel that had some engine problems.

It was reported that the outboard was overheating and the skipper didn't want to risk doing any more damage.

CC10 and CC22 were tasked to assist.

CC10 was on scene first and advised the crew of CC22 of the vessel's location.

Once CC22 was on the scene, CC10 took to towline from the rescue vessel to the distressed vessel and attached the towline.

CC22 then towed the vessel back to Gosford ramp.

By that time it was time to retrieve CC10 and wash it down, and also refuel the vessels and give them a good clean.

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