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Collapse Issue 581:<br />30 Oct 2023<br />_____________Issue 581:
30 Oct 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Consultation about Austin Butler Reserve opens
'Most pot-holed road' is repaired
Grant funding to repair Woy Woy baths and foreshore
Ettalong Uniting Church closes
Ferries diverted to Patonga
Phegans Bay foreshore plan forwarded for comment
Bill Jackson awarded life membership
Ettalong Bowling Club announces $1.9 million profit
New 'cell' could extend tip life by seven years
Council denies telling farmers' market to close
Police lay murder, drugs, and break and enter charges
Older women's network to hold fashion parade
Trivia night for Top Blokes Foundation
Donation of Christmas ingredients
Kingfisher takes refuge at Mary Macs
Koala song meter survey resumes
Busy weekend for Marine Rescue*
Working bee at Pearl Beach hall*
Pump training ahead of the bushfire season*
Hopes for positive response to road safety concerns*
Improving public transport accessibility*
Second highest daily rainfall in six months
Two-storey childcare centre proposed for Lagoon St
Dual occupancy plan has concrete instead of street tree
Two-storey dual occupancy proposed for Woy Woy Rd
What are the implications of 'modern planning'?
Op shop relies on passing trade
Rik Hart may not be around to keep his promises
Aged care provider reports $8.45M deficit
Event held at Woy Woy for Carers Week
Free clinic at women's health centre
Return to exercise class for new mums
Aged care staff raise $669 for breast cancer month*
Training in suicide prevention offered at library*
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Mural project gains backing of Rotary club
Starting a sewing project with Ghanian fabric
Arts and crafts centre closes for structural repairs
Short films about solving environmental challenges
Movie matinee at Pearl Beach features Caddie
Concert attracts 650 Beatles fans
CWA members attend Wyong theatre production*
Asbestos find leads to oval closure and remediation plan
Rotary club visits college campus farm
Year 6 students complete First Aid training
Crazy sock day raises money for Timor Leste
Grand opening for cricket clubhouse
Lions club donates sun cream dispensers to surf clubs
Leading the October bridge pointscore competition
Bad weather for Ducks
Two sessions to run in state-wide bridge championship
Charity bowls day held in spring sunshine
Eric Tweedale dies aged 102
Major Triples final contested in difficult conditions
Council sponsors surf life saving clubs
Veteran singles to be played on Sunday
Paddleboarders hold Halloween charity parade
President has great opening knock
Help with storage
Little aths initiates barbecue roster



Asbestos find leads to oval closure and remediation plan

The discovery of asbestos in the grounds of Umina Beach Public School in July has led to the closure of the Year 3-6 oval for the rest of term four, according to principal Ms Karen Wardlaw.

It will also "involve engaging with consultants to develop a design which encompasses all work needed to fulfill all recommendations of our remediation action plan", she said.

Parents have been told: "Umina Beach Public School has a site-specific asbestos management plan in place for known asbestos in ground and has been following the regular inspection and management protocols within this plan.

"From Juty 2023, these regular inspections, including increased inspections following some rain events, meant that a number of fragments have been found.

"Since September 13, we fenced off some additional areas following fragment finds.

"The fragments found in the soil at Umina Beach Public School are those associated with building waste such as tiles and bricks.

"These fragments are bonded asbestos and in good condition, which means they cannot be crumbled using light pressure.

"There is no evidence of other contaminants in the soil.

"Air monitoring in place from September 14 returned results below minimum reportable levels.

"During the Spring school holiday period we did work in some play areas to prevent further erosion."

Play equipment in the middle of the oval was removed "to create more open play space area for students".

Geofabric was installed over the majority of the Northern oval and topped with 100mm soil before returfing "so it can continue to be used"

Synthetic grass was installed on high traffic areas "where turf is unlikely to be successful and that will provide all weather access to the oval space".

A project to create more functional open play space for students in the central quad, with synthetic turf and a sports court, was also finished during the spring school holidays.

Further work will take place on Saturday, November 11.

Vinyl tiles containing asbestos under the carpet in Building G will be removed.

A section of the wall lining behind the fireplaces in classrooms in Building G will be removed.

"The rooms continue to be safely used as the vinyl tiles and wall lining are undisturbed and the tiles are under the carpet.

"Work areas will be cordoned off, and additional safety measures and monitoring will be put in place.

"The areas will be inspected to ensure they have been fully remediated, and the school will receive a clearance certificate before the rooms are reopened to students and staff."

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