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Collapse Issue 583:<br />27 Nov 2023<br />_____________Issue 583:
27 Nov 2023
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Five units proposed for multi-dwelling development

Five units have been proposed for a multi-dwelling development on a 937.3 square metre site at 140 Trafalgar Ave, Umina, not far from the corner with Bourke Rd.

The application describes it as "a two-storey multi-unit development consisting of two three-bedroom dwellings and two two-bedroom dwellings".

However, plans show three two-bedroom dwellings.

"Each unit would include garages, living-dining areas and adjoining private open space located on the ground floor and bedrooms with bathrooms located on the first floor."

The site is located on the eastern side of the road reserve and is located next to a bus stop.

Currently a parking bay is located on the nature strip.

The new driveway is proposed to cut across this.

The application claims: "The proposal incorporates sufficient open space to maintain the low-rise medium density setting and incorporates various cladding finishes utilising finishes compatible with the contemporary dwellings that have been erected in the locality."

The application includes photos of the area which it describes as an "eclectic mix of multi-dwelling and austere dwellings".

One dwelling is labelled as "somewhat unattractive streetscape nearby".

The application is non-compliant with planning provisions.

The floor space ratio of 0.55:1 does not meet the requirement of 0.5:1.

This requires a written "Clause 4.6 variation request" which is not included in the application nor as a separate document on public exhibition.

The application describes the front setback of the first floor balcony of 3.7 metres as being non-compliant.

The building does not comply with side setback requirements at first floor level.

The application claims that only "eaves" are affected. However, that part of the roof does not appear to have eaves.

Private open space for Units 2 and 3 is less than the required minimum of 45 square metres, at 39 square metres.

Open space for Unit 1 is proposed to be located mainly on front setback which is not allowed under the planning provisions.

The application claims that sunlight access is compliant with planning provisions, but admits the development would overshadow 135A Bourke Rd.

This is claimed to be "unavoidable" due to the site's long axis being oriented east-west.

The application states that the southern setback has been increased by placement of the driveway on that side, limiting shadowing impact.

The rear setback on the ground floor is only 3.7 metres where the requirement is 4.5 metres.

The application states: "Please refer to Andrey Vingradov v Central Coast Council - 16 Warrah Street, Ettalong Beach in which variation in line with the rationale outlined above."

The only publicly-available case, a conciliation hearing, between these parties appears to relate to 21 Burrawang St, Ettalong.

Planning provisions require one visitor park but none is provided.

The application states that this is because "the road reserve provides specific off street parking spaces directly in front of the site".

It does not mention the fact that the driveway is planned to cut across those parking spaces.

All four existing trees on the site are to be removed: a corymbia maculate, a corymbia citriodora, an angophora floribunda and a eucalyptus scoparia.

Two trees located in the front setback are proposed for removal due to their "reduced health and vigour"

An arborist report supported this "subject to the provision of suitable replacement trees better suited to the available space."

The two trees located in the rear yard would be removed because they would be "subject to major and unsustainable levels of encroachment".

The application states: "The proposed development includes a suitable area to incorporate landscaping round the periphery of the site and within the front setback to soften the built form when presented to street, including two medium sized street trees to establish tree canopy and encouraged by the DCP."

In its conclusion, the application states: "The proposal provides increased housing density and additional smaller dwellings that is in acute demand which is well designed to meet residential needs and is commensurate with the character of the surrounding area."

The application is currently on public exhibition and available for written submissions.

Closing date for submissions has not yet been announced on the Central Coast Council website.

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