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Collapse Issue 583:<br />27 Nov 2023<br />_____________Issue 583:
27 Nov 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Staff recommend against Austin Butler reserve sale
Surf camp for Nippers in perfect conditions
Christmas lights to raise money for Vision Australia
Lifetime resident awarded life membership
Two Peninsula residents win environment awards
Busy day for Pearl Beach brigade
Bushland fenced for 'ecological burn'
Five Council documents may be open for comment*
Rotary club raises money for pelican rescue
Jayne Mote is a 'voice of volunteering'
Runner to speak to ABC Friends meeting
Older Women's Network raises $1100 for food donation
Christmas Eve Family Mass to be held on school oval
Volunteers sought for Christmas tree sales
Men's Shed thicknesser is reconditioned
Peninsula Men's Shed holds fundraising exhibition
Family history group meets
Book donations wanted
Tennis players have an early Christmas lunch*
Brigade seeks new recruits*
Reid raise petrol price disparity
Progress association elects committee*
Representatives sought for Youth Parliament*
November rainfall is about average
Five units proposed for multi-dwelling development
Planning panel rejects multi-dwelling proposal
Council to tell Minister of planning review intentions
Shopfronts recommended for funding support
The most cumbersome and unfriendly refund process
Outdoor exercise classes stop
IPART highlights need to budget for green infrastructure
Urgent care clinic opens
Volunteer director retires after 30-year tenure
Hospital opens new mental health ward
Bowling clubs thanked for fundraising*
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Art trail to be held at Pearl Beach
Local authors sought for book launch program
Cafe owner welcomes live music survey
Patchwork group has busy month*
Singers announced for Opera in the Arboretum
Monet's birthday celebrated by aged care residents*
Students challenged to super-size everyday objects
Students compete in school chess championship
Dancers take to the stage for Schools' Spectacular*
St John's farewells Year 6 teacher
School issues batches of rapid antigen tests
'Great day' at Umina campus orientation
Visual arts students produce 84 pots*
Students search for solutions to food waste and nutrition
New parents' executive at Woy Woy*
Ettalong takes national bowls title in BPL Cup
Free rescue course for recreational surfers
SEUFC announces new head women's coach
Bridge pairs competition played on Remembrance Day
Charlie named grand champion in karate world cup
Preparing for disabled surfers' season
Charity bowls day raises $2040
Umina Beach wins through to Division Four final
Southern Spirit cricket results
Netball open representative team chosen*
Junior cricket family night planned
Greg Shirley is Major Singles champion
Umina veteran pairs play final*
Woy Woy soccer club elects new committee*



Hospital opens new mental health ward

A local hospital has opened a new mental health ward.

"We're delighted to have opened our new mental health ward as part of the expanding Central Coast Clinic at Brisbane Waters Private Hospital," said hospital chief executive Ms Debbra Ritter.

"The ward provides an additional 27 private mental health beds, outpatient services, a gym, meeting rooms, group and art therapy rooms.

"The hospital is the only provider of private general psychiatry, and drug and alcohol services, on the Central Coast," she said.

Among those attending the opening were Member for Gosford Ms Liesl Tesch, Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid, hospital owner Healthe Care Group chief executive Mr Matt Hanrahan and medical advisory committee chair Dr Lan-Hoa Le.

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