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Collapse Issue 582:<br />13 Nov 2023<br />_____________Issue 582:
13 Nov 2023
Collapse  NEWS NEWS
Hart tree plan sees minimal canopy increase, panel told
Sunshine welcomed crowds to festival and market stalls
Peninsula News: A community activity
Booker Bay listed as top location for future climate risk
Peninsula may miss out on Crown Lands funding
Remembrance Day service held at Vietnam memorial
Burst water main affects Ocean Beach Rd
A rewarding day for Clean4Shore co-ordinator
Aunty Di to speak at 'tent embassy' installation
Club prepares for annual Christmas tree sale
Patonga brigade gets a fire boat
Ferry Rd foreshore trees to be replaced
Trivia quiz is on Saturday, not Sunday
Rotary club to hold annual volunteers' Christmas lunch
Indian restaurant is named best in regional NSW
Apprentice chef wins London trip with scholarship award
Marine Rescue Central Coast splits for new Terrigal unit*
A different fire truck in Pearl Beach*
Morning teas mark personal milestones
Supporting persons with disabilities to seek higher office
Crime prevention officer addresses CWA and Rotary*
Christmas at The Bays trivia night*
Tawny frogmouth family back together
CWA branch hold Remembrance Days ceremony*
Line marking agreed for Cowper Rd*
Visitor information centre seeks volunteers*
Pearl Beach Christmas dinner*
Tribute to Jane Bowtell in State Parliament*
Games Month celebrated at library*
Rotary club sponsors Ugandan sewing workshop*
Fashion and luncheon at pre-school*
Woy Woy CWA branch sees largest increase*
Activities planned for Umina library*
Prepare an emergency kit, brigade urges*
Three falls of more than 10mm
Amendment seeks 'coastal' design and tree removal
Two-storey arched window planned for waterfront house
Council recommends refusal for multi-dwelling proposal
Study finds Government resists risk-based planning
Coastal guidelines have 'no statutory power'
Men's Shed saga continues with amendment lodged
Beachfront properties could become 'stranded assets'
What we need is ambition for ourselves
Just say 'no' and re-organise carpark
Many unanswered questions on Woy Woy baths repair
General practices to receive government grants
New 'household' on display at aged care home
Bowls club donates $2600 to Central Coast Health*
New ward billed as largest private unit on the Coast*
Collapse  ARTS ARTS
Troubadour Concert will feature two ensembles
A creative Christmas with polymer beading*
School musical costs $55 for 'family of four'
School for Seniors faces closure without new committee
Selected for State water polo team
Students learn of the day Greece said no: OXI Day
Federal Speaker visits Woy Woy
Teachers win excellence awards
Evacuation practice held at Woy Woy South*
St John's bands perform at Bandfest*
College principal to attend primary parents' meeting
Principal and deputy put on 'delicious spread'
Rotary club to support First Aid for all primary schools
School collects gifts for St Vincent de Paul*
Voting for school captains takes place this week*
Aboriginal activities at Year 6 transition program*
Saskia wins 'reconciliation challenge' award*
Parent forum for school planning*
Eight teams compete in League Tag gala day*
Teaching award for Woy Woy South
Legacy opens applications for scholarship program*
College student is women's golf champion of champions
Umina crews finish strongly in first round of competition
Liesl Tesch is a legend, says Basketball NSW
Major Fours final at Everglades
Disabled surfers association holds volunteer training
Southern Spirit cricket results
'A real problem to solve' at bridge
Youth bowls tournament has $1000 in prizes
Netball association announces representative teams
Rugby club announces coaches for next year
Selected for inter-branch surf life saving competition
Electronic keypad for tennis courts
Outrigger club brings home the gold*
'Good week' for pennant teams*
Six bridge players in Tomaree Congress
Cup Day was a day to remember*



Two-storey arched window planned for waterfront house

An arched window 4.2 metres wide and two storeys high facing Brisbane Water is the feature of a house proposed to be built on the waterfront at 416 Orange Grove Rd, Blackwall.

The gross floor area for the development would be 450 square metres on a block of 1037 square metres zoned R2 (low density residential), complying with the floor space ratio limit of 0.5:1.

"The site has an existing two-storey dwelling, swimming pool and associated outbuilding, which are subject to demolition," the development application states.

"The site has an existing approval for a marine boat shed, and swimming pool under DA2007/32839 which will remain.

"The site falls from south to the north of the site towards the natural water body: a fall of approximately four metres over a length of 52.425 metres."

The width of the site is given as 20.115 metres.

"The new build will provide a modernisation to the streetscape and the water body, and also take advantage of the view to the ocean.

"The external appearance will provide a more modern appeal with contemporary coastal finishes.

"The roof of the dwelling is proposed as a metal finish to create a seamless appearance with modern materials to the wall such as timber, and render and stone elements to the front fence."

The main dwelling is claimed to comply by the height limit of 8.5 m, as stipulated in planning provisions.

However, the detached garage is greater that the allowed height of 4.8 metres, with a proposed a height of 6.45 metres.

The proposal also breaches the building envelope requirements of the planning provisions which require the portions of side walls above 4.5m to be restricted by a line drawn at an angle of 25 degrees.

However, the application argues that this does not apply.

"The minimum required setback from a side boundary in accordance with the Building Code of Australia is 900mm.

"In technical terms and the hierarchy of legislation, the Building Code takes present over any restriction outlines in a Council planning instrument as research has been undertaken to ensure the safety of occupants.

"The Council planning document is a desirable outcome for the local government area, but cannot be strictly enforced in that being said justification to the objectives of the clause for a side boundary setback."

The application lists the objectives of side setback controls and argues that these have been fully met and that therefore strict adherence to the "numeric controls" is unnecessary.

Various arguments are used to justify the garage being placed in the front setback and the use of a 1.8m high fence at the front boundary, which do not comply with planning provisions.

The application concludes: "The overall impacts of the development can be determined as a positive outcome for the site and area with an increase to the streetscape and amenity of the area with the improvements to the dwelling.

"The proposal will have minimal environmental impact on the surrounding locale and the merits of the proposal shall be considered on their own merit.

"Based on the positive outcomes, it is therefore concluded that approval for the development shall be granted by the local consent authority known as Central Coast Council."

This application is currently listed with a status of "Awaiting Information Post-Lodgement".

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